Legal notice
H.V.L. Verwaltungs GmbH
Hallerstrasse 40
20146 Hamburg
H. Vogemann GmbH
Hallerstr. 40
20146 Hamburg
Executive Directors:
Jens-Michael Arndt, Markus Lange
Registered in Hamburg
HRB 115361
VAT Reg No
DE 165916593
Tel: +49 (0) 40-4501 430
Fax: +49 (0) 40-4501 4333
Photo credits:
Ship bow image: Adobe Stock/Aytug ASKIN, Vogemann headquarters image: Vogemann, cargo hatch image: Vogemann, ship crane image: Vogemann, water’s edge image: Adobe Stock/Sergey Nivens, Port of Hamburg image: Adobe Stock/powell83, Vogemann Green Ship image: Vogemann, bulker images: Vogemann (3), wake image: Adobe Stock/satit, cargo hold cleaning image: Vogemann, Rheingold image: Vogemann, Vogemann book image: Vogemann, fish image: Adobe Stock/, H. Vogemann GmbH management image: Mia Takahara/Oezlem Oezsoy, H. Vogemann Reederei GmbH management image: Mia Takahara/Oezlem Oezsoy, Vogemann Greenship subscription image: Vogemann (3), St. Lorenz image: Vogemann, pictograph image: Hans-Juergen Polster (6), employee portraits: Mia Takahara/Oezlem Oezsoy (XY), Copenhagen image: Adobe Stock/, Pittsburgh image: Adobe Stock/rudi1976, Hamburg map: Adobe Stock/
All the information and data on this website have been prepared to the best of our knowledge and are regularly checked and updated. Nevertheless, we do not assume any liability for the completeness and correctness of the information provided or its suitability for specific purposes. Anyone who uses the information provided on the website does so at their own risk. This applies to ship descriptions, in particular.
We expressly distance ourselves from the content of linked websites, which, to the best of our knowledge, were free of any illegal content at the time they were linked.
All rights reserved. Content may not be reproduced, used or published without the prior, written consent of H.V.L. Vogemann GmbH.
Concept und web design: Studio Polster
Text: share projects / Susanne Stock
Programming: Elbnetz GmbH
Elbnetz GmbH, the WordPress-agency from Hamburg
© HV.L. Vogemann GmbH, 2020