Innovation borne of tradition – since 1886
Innovation, courage and foresight: These values have accompanied the H. Vogemann company since it was founded by Johann Heinrich Vogemann in 1886, reinforced by the two generations that have taken the reins since then. This also includes responding to changes with confidence and foresight as well as paving the way for healthy growth even in difficult times. Vogemann continues to tackle challenges in this way to this day and actively assumes its responsibility towards people and the environment.
If you’d like to get better acquainted with our history …
From a family company with a barque and two small cargo steamers to the international Group of today: In our chronicle, which was published on the occasion of our 125th anniversary, we tell our story and present our milestones on the backdrop of major events in world and economic history. We’ll be happy to send you a copy for a nominal fee of €20.
Management today
H. Vogemann is no longer a family company, as Renate Speckter, granddaughter of founder Johann Heinrich Vogemann, gave up her shares in 1992. However, the company is still owner-managed to this day: all the Executive Directors are also Managing Partners and lead the company full of passion and expert knowledge on behalf of the family.
The management team of Vogemann chartering
“Paired with expert planning, our unrivalled wealth of information improves capacity and leads to better charter rates.”
“The key point is to identify and understand the needs of our customers, then we can
focus on adding value through a clear commitment to heip them develop their business
The management of Vogemann shipping
“The crews assume a great deal of responsibility for the ship and tonnage. We take our responsibility for the people on board just as seriously.”